[rescue] decisions, decisions

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Wed Apr 27 22:08:05 CDT 2005

On Apr 27, 2005, at 5:59 PM, Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
> If you start to talk RAID controllers and stuff, you'll have a problem
> with Solaris 10 (I think Sun's idea of an x86 HCL these days is a joke,
> when I worked there it was IMHO much better, and easier to see what
> Sun actually supported for hardware (not what a user reported to 
> work)).
> If your using common SCSI controllers, and one of the supported
> ethernet controllers then you should be OK.
Totally.  I have a Solaris x86 fileserver which now has a main 54 GB 
array and two 104 GB Arrays.  I couldn't get 10 on it at all.  Solaris 
9 works beautifully after doctoring the Solaris 8 driver floppy to 
replace some strings.

It's a Compaq Proliant 6400R with a SmartArray 4200


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