[rescue] A perverse thought (SGI security division)

Thomas Gallaway rescue at port11.net
Thu Mar 11 16:10:26 CST 2004

I guess that is what seperates script kiddies from no script kiddies?
Script kiddies use nmap and cause all kinds of attention. Non script kiddies
just probe for certain ports over a long period of time to make sure their
attempt is not beeing seen easy.

That reminds me at a old job I implemented http://labrea.sourceforge.net/
on a old 486 that was laying arround. It will create a "sticky honeypot".

-- Thomas

Janet L. Campbell wrote:

>On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Thomas Gallaway wrote:
>>How about just changing the port of ssh to something high up where 
>>scriptkiddies wont look.
>A script kiddy who doesn't know how to use nmap doesn't even deserve to be 
>called a script kiddy.

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