[rescue] Re: [geeks] ANYONE WANT A GMAIL ACCOUNT?

Ethan O'Toole ethan at 757tech.net
Wed Jun 23 14:29:34 CDT 2004

> Why?  Are you thinking of starting a company to make them?
> I'd like:
> * No Caps Lock key
> * Ctrl in the right place (where caps lock usually is)
> * Esc in the right place (where ` is)
> * Meta key (instead of Alt)
> * Hyper and Super keys (instead of the windows keys, or whatever the
>   icon is on the linux and mac keyboards).
> * A choice of clicky 4mm throw models and non clicky 2mm throw models.
> * Make ( and ) not require a shift.
> * make { and } not require a shift.
> * [ and ] are allowed to require a shift.
> Anything else?  Anyone?

Check out the Northgate Omnikeys. Northgate is gone but someone else took
over their keyboard production I believe. It is configurable to a certain
point. It might be able to talk Sun Type 5, I think it could talk PC
standard, Amiga standard, possibly Tandy 1000 standard and others. It was
wierd. It even supported Dvorak mode, IIRC. They were nice, but $$.

.--[Ethan O'Toole]-------------------------------+
: www.757tech.com  757 Technologies  (757)233-9460
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