[rescue] Iria VGX auction

Gerhard Lenerz mail at g-lenerz.de
Fri Jun 4 14:37:53 CDT 2004

Hello Wes & all,

Friday, June 4, 2004, 7:48:41 PM, you wrote:

> Is this the right kind of RAM for that Iris?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=11223&item=5702629673&rd=1

  nope. According to the part number given it is for Challenge/Onyx
  memory sticks. Also the only SIMM sizes I have ever seen for
  PowerSeries are 2MB and 8MB modules (there might be some with 4MB).

  If I manage to grab my digital camera I can take some pictures of
  PowerSeries modules.


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