[rescue] VCF East

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Mon Jul 5 10:20:13 CDT 2004

On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, M Thompson wrote:

> What other Sun systems do you think would make a good display?

I like the 4/330 system.  They're big as a tank, slow as a tank, heavy
as a tank... :)  And with plenty of room for internal storage.  Then
again, I'm probably just sentimental because a 4/330 was the first SPARC
I was ever assigned as a workstation (complete with black-and-white
framebuffer.  W00!).

Jonathan Patschke )"We're Germans and we use Unix.  That's a combination
Elgin, TX        (  of two demographic groups known to have no sense of
USA               ) humour whatsoever." - Hanno Mueller in de.c.o.u.p

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