[rescue] silencing a sparcserver 1000

Stephen Sukovich ssukovich at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Jan 8 21:26:21 CST 2004

I recently acquired a sparcserver 1000 and a sparc storage array 112.
It's a great machine except for one small problem. It is LOUD. So loud
my girlfriend refuses to allow me to run it when she is around. I figure
one of the many sun gurus here may have had the same problem with this
machine and "fixed" it by either replacing the fans or using some other
form of cooling on it. So I am looking for pointers on how to cool the
machine without using those insane fans. Quieter would be nice, but
silent would be perfect.
Oddly my sparcstation 20 only has a small fan by the powersupply, and I
just cant see why this monster needs like 7 giant fans. oh well

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