[rescue] SS10 rubber feet/grommets available (was: Where was this disk tra y used?)
P Nutton
Paul.Nutton at awe.co.uk
Wed Feb 11 05:23:10 CST 2004
> >>I still need two sets of those little rubber "feet" for a SS-10.
> >
> >
> > Wasn't there a "hack" to use screws, washers and grommets of certain
> > sized to replicate the wheels? I'll need to look into that
> myself, as
> > my lone SS/10 is without drive mounts at the moment...
> >
> I just did that a week or so ago with four small grommets and regular
> screws (the longer shank ones). I thought at the time that the
> cone-shaped faucet washers might work, too...
I have a bag full of these Sun original mushroom shaped grommets, complete
with mushroom shaped screws. They were supplied to fit floppy drives to IPX
and LX systems years ago and never used. They can be used to fit hard drives
to SS10s if you don't have the tricksy drive sleds with the fold down
handles (or was that just the SS5?).
I can post some out if you like, but remember I am in the UK so it won't be
quick for most of you.
Last count I had approx. 30 left, so it's first come, first served (unless
you have sent me free stuff in the past). I also have a bag of approx. 100
Sun lock screws (the black box with a hole through it and a captive screw)
if you want to complete that factory fresh sparc look....
Paul Nutton, SysAdmin, High Performance Computing, AWE plc.
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