[rescue] Crays, etc.

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Tue Apr 27 10:13:57 CDT 2004

On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 09:43:41PM -0500, William Barnett-Lewis wrote:

> But any MacIvory would make me happy I'll admit. Or an XL-1201.

Last I heard, you could buy a fairly nice XL-1200 from DKS for about
> (All of this is made even more intense right now because I'm reading the 
> schematics for the CADR/LM-2 that I found at 
> http://bitsavers.org/pdf/mit/cadr/LM-2/symbolics_cadr_docs.pdf Lots of 
> tasty old time 74S TTL IC's that even my low level of knowledge can make 
> sense out of...)

Ooh.  I wonder if we could pay someone a reasonable amount to
reimplement that in an FPGA image.

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