ethernet and switches, was Re: [rescue] Mozilla Firefox

Eric Dittman dittman at
Fri Apr 23 13:52:09 CDT 2004

> >>    Wow, too many incarnations, reimplementations, small modifications.
> >>    It's been reinvented multiple times with each increase in "speed".
> >>    I think they've reached their limit and ought to start over fresh.
> >
> > By that argument SCSI sucks, too.
>    I agree with the basic point you're making, but SCSI was designed to 
> be scalable in the first place.

Not when it was known as SASI.  As for the protocol itself, look at the
problems with multiple LUNs, vendor-specific extensions for non-disk
devices, etc. that cause incompatibilities and the need for blacklists
and whitelists in the driver and application code.  Even though there
are better storage methods available, we still use SCSI because it works
despite the workarounds that sometimes are necessary.
Eric Dittman
dittman at

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