[rescue] Re: The Cave

Kevin Loch kloch at gurunet.net
Fri Apr 23 11:08:44 CDT 2004

Joshua Boyd wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 11:43:00AM -0400, Kevin Loch wrote:
>>Prohibiting the conversion of a garage is a common deed restriction 
>>these days.  The solution of course is to buy/build your house
>>without HOA's or deed restrictions you don't like.  My subdivision is
>>from the 1950's so the deed restrictions are mostly no blacks,
>>no outhouses etc.  And NO HOA!!!  The house was built in 1990.
> How does one go about removing deed restrictions?

You can't (except for the racial ones that were nullified by
law).  You can choose property with restrictions you agree
with, or property that the restrictions you don't agree with
go unenforced.  In the case of land covered by an active HOA,
they will be enforced.  For restrictions enforced by prior
property owners, unless they live next to you they are likely
to be unenforced.

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