[rescue] Current collections...

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Wed Apr 7 12:22:23 CDT 2004

On Apr 7, 2004, at 1:11 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
>>> Agreed.  There went a damned nice architecture.  I *WANTED* an n-way
>>> 21364 box, dammit!
>>   You can still buy Alphas, man.  They're not dead yet.
> Very true, but I don't think the 21364 ever actually made it to
> production.  I no longer remember the details of the scuttlebutt about
> what the memory architecture was going to be, but by all accounts it 
> was
> going to have cache and memory bandwidth out the wazoo.

   Uhh...I was under the impression that it hasn't made it to production 
*yet* because it wasn't ready yet...but it was still going to be 
shipped.  Am I wrong?

>> HP/Compaq/whoever still has time to rescind their cancellation, if 
>> they
>> suddenly grow an intelligent CEO.
> Slim chance of that at this point.  The fucking suits have taken over.

   Absolutely.  And Carly "I have no business knowledge, but I have 
these here boobs" Fiorina certainly isn't going to grow a brain any 
time soon.  You'd think after all the people grumbling in the halls of 
HP that she'd buy a clue...but noooo...


Dave McGuire          "PC users only know two 'solutions'...
Cape Coral, FL          reboot and upgrade."    -Jonathan Patschke

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