[rescue] SCSI Floppy

Paul paul at techcenter3000.com
Sun Sep 28 01:52:19 CDT 2003

Well, I've verified that the HS (1.44 Meg model) of these WAS OEM'd by SGI.
The JS is the 2.88 Meg version.

There is an external version on e-pay currently going for 26 bucks, if you'd
prefer a tested working 1.44(?) in an external box.

HOWEVER: SCSI LS-120's will work as both a standard floppy disk AND a 120 meg
format disk with proper media. That's a fairly useful size, if not huge.
Plus,. you get that really cool, BZZZ-ZZZT auto eject. :)

You can probably find these on ebay for ~25 bucks.

The HS/JS series was also apparently used in Alpha Micro AIM/AMOS systems.

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