[rescue] Advice on Octanes

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net
Wed Sep 24 09:28:47 CDT 2003

On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 03:28:39PM +0100, Rob Fielding wrote:

> >>Matlab as far as I know is optimized for both platforms, again all the
> >>toolboxes I have used in the Intel machines and SGI boxes favor the P3
> >>even  on my dual Octane :(. Which makes my case for a new tezro pretty
> >>grim....
> >
> >But, didn't you say that your Octane was a dual R10k?  A dual R16k has
> >got to be far better.
> Unfortunately R14K is end of the line for the Octane :((((( And I think the 
> 030-1467-* struggles to supply the required FSB at that.

Err, but he was talking about justifying a new Tezro, not a new Octane.
The Tezro shouldn't have any trouble supplying an R16k chip with data.
> Pitty but I guess they have to draw the line somewhere.

Of course.

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