[rescue] Anyone use one of these Gigabit network cards in a U30/U60 or E250?

Clayton Wheeler csw at thirdshoe.net
Sun Sep 21 21:28:11 CDT 2003

On Sunday, September 21, 2003, at 03:56 PM, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Sys-konnect is the Mfg... Since I will have my X86 servers on Gigabit,
> it might be fun to put my E250 on a gigabit backbone network...

A lot of Sun machines at work have SysKonnect gigabit interfaces. They 
work fine for normal use, but for some reason packet filters 
(snoop/tcpdump/etc) only capture outgoing (or is it incoming? only one 
direction anyway) traffic on the SysKonnect interfaces. This can be 
monstrously annoying when you're trying to troubleshoot something. The 
hme interfaces on the same boxes work like you would expect, so I guess 
it has to do with the SysKonnect drivers.

Has anyone else seen this? Am I missing some undocumented driver 
parameter or something?

Clayton Wheeler
csw at thirdshoe.net

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