[rescue] Closet cleaning IV

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sat Sep 13 12:58:13 CDT 2003

On Monday, September 8, 2003, at 05:37  PM, James Birdsall wrote:

> * VAX Hardware Handbook 1982-83 (covers lots and lots of hardware 
> details of
> 11/730, 11/750, 11/780, and 11/782)
Well I got this yesterday... and man I have to say I am now a true 
believe in all things VAX.  I was reading through the architecture 
stuff alone and there is stuff in there that Linux is just now trying 
to add. (re: a recent Linux Journal article on events based kernel 
scheduling for Telecom and real-time applications)... and this book is 
a VAX book from 1982.  Preemptive multi-tasking, demand paged virtual 
memory, etc. etc. etc.

Very nice stuff.... only problem is ... now I want one..... and they 
use way too much juice... somehow my dumpster dived Vaxstation just 
doesn't seem like it's gonna cut it.

Methinks a 4000/90 would be good.


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