[rescue] spam WPOISON

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Sep 9 13:33:24 CDT 2003

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:

> Look, imagine your $doomedProject.  There is no reason that the tools
> they are using to build the Java code couldn't be generating C++ code.

That is, sadly, true.

> I don't believe that there is any good reason for Java code to be more
> than an order of magnitude slower that C++.

The JVM layer would account for, while probably not an order of
magnitude of runtime, certainly some heavy amount of slowdown.

Jonathan Patschke   )  "Gamer weenies...are the sludge at the bottom
Elgin, TX          (    of the user swamp."           --Gary Nichols

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