[rescue] Sgi 4d/20 anybody want it?

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Wed Sep 3 15:45:40 CDT 2003

On Wednesday, September 3, 2003, at 04:32 PM, Linc Fessenden wrote:

> Anything workin'?

As far as...?

I've offered repeatedly on the lists for any and all to come down and 
grab stuff. Most of what's left now id boxes of cables, peecee parts, 
assorted random monitors, drives, sbus cards, etc. Stuff.

If you can make it tomorrow, it's a take-all-you-can-haul fest, 
otherwise, if you want the PI machines (which worked when put away, but 
have been sitting for years) or any of the above, let me know and I'll 
hold it for you 'till the end of september.


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