[rescue] Ultra 1 no video...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 10 12:02:43 CDT 2003

--- Steve Sandau <ssandau at bath.tmac.com> wrote:
> I installed Sol8 on an Ultra1 using the serial port. It had a 
> framebuffer in it (just sbus tho), that I pulled later on. It doesn't
> seem to care if the framebuffer is there or not. Could you pull the 
> creator card and see if it boots then?

I've installed Solaris on systems w/ framebuffers via serial console,
and later ran the machine with a monitor/keyboard/mouse w/o incident.

I've also installed Solaris on systems w/o framebuffers via serial
console, and had issues adding a framebuffer later (drivers not

And, to be complete, I've installed Solaris on systems w/ framebuffers
and monitor/keyboard/mouse w/o incident. ;^)


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