[rescue] Sun 3/80

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Wed May 28 12:06:37 CDT 2003

I bought a Sun 3/80 off of ebay ($13... hope that isn't a sign of trouble :-) ).

To my surprise, it has a cg8 graphics card (24 bit).

Looks like Sun didn't support that in OpenWindows 2... and I don't recall
Openwindows 3 existing for the Sun3, so that would restrict me to SunView
???  (blech, but entertaining I guess).

Any idea if anyone was ever able to run this in 24 bit using some form of X
(OW2, OW3, X11R4, X11R5, X11R6, etc) ?  I'm thinking of running SunOS 4.1.1_U1
(the last SunOS OS release for the Sun 3).  Although I might try NetBSD
on it sometime as well... or make it dual boot.

-- Curt

Curtis Wilbar
Hawk Mountain Networks
rescue at hawkmountain.net

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