[rescue] completely OT: Matrix nutcases ...

Jeffrey Nonken jeff_work at nonken.net
Wed May 14 20:44:46 CDT 2003

On Wed, 14 May 2003 19:56:58 -0400, "Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366"
<patrick at zill.net> wrote:

> Yes, I am a nutcase.  I have 12:05AM tickets.
> Why?
> Because the local 16-screen microplex had showtimes of
> 10:00
> 10:10
> 10:20
> 10:30 (qty 2)
> 10:40
> and they were all sold out (think about it, 6 out of 16 screens are
> dedicated to just this film).
> Then I went to the other local , smaller, non-chain one and they had
> the 12:05AM one still open.  The 10:30 slots, both of them, were sold
> out.
> I predict this movie will be profitable.

We decided to wait until Monday night.

Jean-Luc: Hate you. Hate the UFP. Taking Vash. -Q

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