[rescue] HP-UX Laptops - hardware manual

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 29 10:36:53 CST 2003

--- roosmcd at dds.nl wrote:
> Yes, I'm pretty sure the Sony NeWS systems did ascii. Unfortunately
> I never had the chance to see one in action.

I used to work at UniPress Software, and we had exactly *one* off all
the major platforms in-house, to enable porting software to them. I had
a Sony NeWS system as my main desktop - I seem to recall we ran X11 on
it, nothing else (it might have been a local compile of X11 for this
box). I was not interested in it much at the time, I thought the little
LX I carried in my suitcase and used for client demos of Unix software
was much neater (size/form-factor)...


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