[rescue] cleaning cases

Phil Stracchino alaric at caerllewys.net
Sat Jun 28 10:16:18 CDT 2003

On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 03:56:05AM -0400, vance at neurotica.com wrote:
> But that's clear plastic.  Different animal.

Sure, the coloring dye adds LOTS of solvent resistance.


Seriously, sometimes the only difference between clear and colored
plastic is ...  well ...  the coloring agent.  There are some plastics
that are really hard to make clear, like nylon or ABS, and some that are
naturally so clear they are only rarely used colored, like polycarbonate.
But others, like polyethylene and polypropylene, are used just about as
often colored as clear.  To be safe, you really need to either know what
plastic you're dealing with and how it reacts to the solvent you're
going to use, or test on a small spot first.

However, ponder this, O my siliconophilic friends[1]:  Computer case
panels have an inside.  And unlike motorcycle windshields, no-oen cares
if your *case* has swirls on the inside where you tested your Acme
Patent Everything Remover[2].

[1] OK, so some of you elitist snobs will only talk civilly to gallium
    arsenide.  The principle applies to you as well as it does to the
    rest of us plebian bottom-feeders.  :)

[2] Um, wow, this stuff is ...  um ...  really strong, isn't it?  Well,
    um ....  hey, haven't you ever seen an SGI Challenge with a, uh,
    freeform case window before?  Anyway, the *marker* is gone....

 .*********  Fight Back!  It may not be just YOUR life at risk.  *********.
 : phil stracchino : unix ronin : renaissance man : mystic zen biker geek :
 :  alaric at caerllewys.net : alaric-ruthven at earthlink.net : phil at latt.net  :
 :   2000 CBR929RR, 1991 VFR750F3 (foully murdered), 1986 VF500F (sold)   :
 :    Linux Now!   ...Because friends don't let friends use Microsoft.    :

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