[rescue] SGI Hobbyist Program

Kevin kevin at pipeline.com
Thu Jun 19 09:23:52 CDT 2003

I found the following post on the Neckochan.net site. 
Not sure if anything will actually come of it but it
might be advantageous for any of you guys on the list
who are interested to email the SGI folks listed
here.  It would be nice to have cheaper access to
updated overlays and such, and maybe get them to open
up the Knowledge base again.

Seems unlikely though considering how it was only just
recently that they tightened up the free Supportfolio
access to almost nil.


After talking to some people within SGI, they said that
they want to introduce a hobbyist program which would
include such things as IRIX updates and development
tools for free or a reasonable fee. (There would be a
noncommercial use provision, though.)

Also, hobbyists would be allowed to list their
applications in the SGI Third-Party Applications

But, they need support from the hobbyist community. I
urge you to email either Anneke Dempsey
(anneke at sgi.com) and/or Robert Green (green at sgi.com)
and show your support for a program like this. BCC me
at dcarmich at ourservers.net as well.

What would you want in a hobbyist program?

Last edited by dcarmich on Sun May 25, 2003 4:32 pm;
edited 1 time in total

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