[rescue] Perverse Question

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Mon Jun 9 13:19:55 CDT 2003

On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Steve Sandau wrote:

> Their rules. Furniture can be "given away" (not that easy but it can be
> done), but computer equipment cannot. It has to go to DRMO or be
> destroyed. I volunteered to "destroy" it *for* them, but no go...

I can understand this rule for media, but what military secrets could
possibly be latent in 10 year-old silicon that probably hasn't seen any
confidential information in the last two or three years?

Not that I'm saying the agency I work for doesn't have silly rules like
that, but I never cease to be amazed with the wasteful attitudes of the
public sector.

Jonathan Patschke   )  "Leave your lawsuits at home.  I have guns."
Elgin, TX          (                      --"Kountry" Mike Lundgren

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