[rescue] while on the subject of axis print servers...

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Tue Jun 3 21:23:09 CDT 2003

On Tuesday, June 3, 2003, at 09:14 PM, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> --- phoetoid <phoetoid at pyrospheric.net> wrote:
>> when I send a print job to it, it turns the printer into a
>> machine gun of paper, and each page only has one or two
>> ASCII characters on it....any ideas why that might be?
> Dumb question - are you sending postscript to a non-postscript printer?

That might do it.  Although sometimes you just get a sheet of text with 
the Postscript header at the top.

> Nice description, BTW... ;^)

And very familiar to people who've ever worked with Dec dot-matrix 
printers.  Decwriter III's shoot paper at an ungodly rate of speed for 
their size. (0)


(0) BTW - I have two Decwriter III printers for local pickup only - zip 
Too heavy to ship and welded frames so they can't be disassembled.

I also have three old Sparcprinters if somebody wants those.  No cards 
or cables though - they do power up and have cartridges in them.  Again, 
local pickup only.

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