[rescue] SCSI cables for the taking

Ido Dubrawsky ido at dubrawsky.org
Mon Jul 21 11:47:32 CDT 2003


  In my effort to get rid of stuff that I just, plain don't use...I am offering
the following SCSI cables for sale/trade (you just have to pay shipping or come
to the DC area to pick up).  I'm trying to organize the basement and it's 
pretty hard when I keep turning up this stuff that I've "pack-ratted" away.
  Here's the list:

  1 x 68 pin Wide SCSI -> Centronics D50 pin
  4 x 50 pin mini -> Centronics D50
  1 x 25 pin SCSI I -> 50 pin mini
  7 x Centronics D50 pin -> Centronics D50 pin (M->M)
  8 x 25 pin SCSI I -> Centronics D50 pin (M->M)
  2 x 25 pin SCSI I -> Centronics D36 pin (M->M)

Yeah, I know they pretty much all have something to do with Centronics.  Anyway,
what I'm looking to get are some PS/2 KVM cables (as well as KVM monitor cables)
for a Belkin OmniviewPro (they don't have to be Belkin cables, but I would 
prefer at least 6' lengths on the cables).  If I don't get any responses I 
throw them up on EPay...I just gotta get them out of my basement!

Ido Dubrawsky               			E-mail:  ido at dubrawsky.org
Network Security Architect				idubraws at cisco.com
500 Hermleigh Rd
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
(301) 651-5441 (cell)

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