[rescue] J90 on epay

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 28 16:14:37 CST 2003

--- Kevin Loch <kloch at gurunet.net> wrote:
> Dave McGuire wrote:
> > On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 12:34 PM, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> > 
> >> Most people find 5 figures for an OS and compiler set painfull.
> >
> >   Not if you're already paying a few million for the computer
> > system.

> Why would buying a few million worth of hardware change
> your valuation of an OS and a compiler?  That seems like
> just a sneaky way to charge more for the hardware.

Well, if you are buying the multi-million dollar box from the vendor, I
bet you could negotiate a free OS kit with the deal... Then it will
"feel" free, anyways...


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