[rescue] If the price wouldnt be that high... Cray CS6400's

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Fri Feb 28 12:03:39 CST 2003

"Joshua D. Boyd" <jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net> writes:

> On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 09:33:11AM -0500, Todd Killingsworth wrote:
> > Potential group buy by rescue members?
> > If price is still high, could wait and approach him after a no-bid auction.
> > 
> > Note: none of the machines have memory, and I've seem to remember some
> > messages here stating UNICOS is unobtanium.
> Generally speaking, UNICOS isn't unobtanium.  You can just call Cray and
> buy it, with compilers, for about $20k, to my understanding.
> However, I believe the CS6400s use a bastardized form of SunOS, not
> Unicos, since these machines are sparc based massively parallel rather
> than SMP Vector machines (like the J90s).  I don't know how obtainable
> this is, since SGI sold this machine to Sun when SGI bought Cray (what
> did SGI want with a Sparc based SunOS machine?).
> OK, there is one major big deal that I don't see addressed in the
> listing.  These Crays need a front end computer to operate, and this
> front end computer connects to the cray by a proprietary sbus card and
> cable, and reportedly these cards are unobtainium.

Present and accoutned for: one unobtanium card and sparc 5.

No money, nor room, for a 6400 right now (dammit) because of the ever
growing fetus. (I want the baby more than the cray, yes. )

maybe I'll get a better job in the next couple days?


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