[rescue] quad 486

deanders at pcisys.net deanders at pcisys.net
Tue Feb 25 01:39:36 CST 2003

At 12:35 AM 2/25/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a Kingston Turbo chip that's based on the AMD processor.  It had 
>a fan mounted directly to the chip on the PCB.  I pulled it off and put 
>on my own heat sink.  Maybe you could pull the fan off and install a fan 
>to blow air between the cards?  If a standard heat sink is still to tall 
>maybe you could attach a flat piece of aluminum to the processor that is 
>almost as big as the daughter board, that should surely draw the heat 
>away.  Use a piece that's think enough to not flex easily, and glue it 
>on to the processor with super glue around the edges and heat sink 
>compound in the middle.

Or (and yes, I realize that this is probably a bit silly) you could always
water-cool it.

Seriously, a waterblock would probably be smaller than the heatsink & fan
that came with the K5, though it might be more trouble than you really want
(I have only a passing familiarity with water-cooling CPUs, but it's enough
to tell me that I don't want to do it...). 

Of course, I imagine some people might crucify you for water-cooling a K5. :)

Derek Andersen

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