[rescue] SMC truly blows... even on Ultra 1/170

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 16 07:09:23 CST 2003

--- "Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net> wrote:
> On 15 Feb 2003, Koyote wrote:
> > yeah, I got hooked on it back in the Navy (WP 5.1 for X-windows)
> Is there a clone of WordPerfect for DOS that runs on Unix?  I loved
> the DOS version but hated the Windows/X11 version.  I've toyed in the
> back of my mind with a WordPerfect for DOS workalike that generated
> LaTeX output, but I'd never have the time to work on something like
> that.

<sarcastic vi bigot tone>

There *MUST* be a package that makes emacs act like WordPerfect - hell,
I think there is a package for almost anything for emacs! ;^)

</sarcastic vi bigot tone>


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