CS 503 Pop Quiz - Was: [rescue] Sun memo regarding Java

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Feb 12 01:22:45 CST 2003

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 12:26 PM, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:

> Programmers generally avoid inserting comments into their code when 
> writing
> original works.  Most cite one of two popular reasons:
> (a)  "Well-written code is self-documenting."

When a programmer is writing his/her code, they generally follow a 
methodology they've developed over a period of time. Using that 
methodology it's fairly easy to see what each element of the code is 
doing, so they feel it doesn't need documenting.
> (b)  "If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read."

These programmers are basically jerks who are looking for job security 
in the way they write their code (IMHO).
> Later, maintenance programmers, charged with the task of updating or
> debugging this code, frequently take the position:
> (c)  "WTF?"

These folks are either dealing with code from jerk B, or don't use the 
same methodology as programmer A, so can't see the code as clearly as 
the original programmer.

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