[rescue] Sun Monitor on an SGI

Ryan Thoryk ryan at tliquest.net
Mon Feb 10 15:54:38 CST 2003

I've got an Indigo2 High Impact system (r4400 200mhz) that I plugged into my
Sun 16" type4 monitor, but only after I tweaked the cable a little.
My sun cable is a detachable, and what I did was I cut it open, cut the
smaller wires (not the large RGB cables), and connect the SGI's composite sync
wire (pin3) to the Sun's composite sync (pin5), otherwise the SGI's vertical
drive signal gets sent to the composite sync, screwing everything up.  Here's
the connector pinouts:

Sun 13W3 pinout:

SGI 13W3 pinout:

Now there should be connectors made to do this stuff, but I usually do things
myself :)

> I have a complete newbie question about SGI video output.  
> I have a Sun monitor with a 13W3 pigtail, and I have an SGI 
> Indego 2 coming in the mail tomorrow.  Can I plug my Sun monitor 
> into my SGI and have it work?  I see from
> that the 3 main pins are correct but the others are not.  Will 
> I fry my monitor if I try
> (shuddddddder)?
> Thanks in advance for your help
> JJ Streicher-Bremer
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Ryan Thoryk
Unix and Network Specialist
Argonne National Laboratory
home - ryan at tliquest.net
work - rthoryk at anl.gov

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