[rescue] WANTED: Decent Sun Keyboard

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Fri Feb 7 19:13:42 CST 2003

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 06:19 PM, Todd C. Miller wrote:

> Another option is the "happy hacking" keyboard from pfu.  You can
> buy then direct from pfu, other places may stock them too.  At $129
> it's relatively pricey but will work on a Sun, Mac, or PeeCee.

While on the subject of the happy hacking keyboard, has anyone here 
used their lite version? It's only $69.00 and has an inverted T for the 
cursor keys that the original version doesn't have, but their website 
doesn't really say what else is different between them! As everyone 
here probably knows, a good keyboard is hard to find, and before I 
spend $69.00 on a keyboard I would love to know what the difference 
between it & it's big brother are!
If they made a USB version with the inverted T of their regular model, 
I'd buy it in a heartbeat!

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