[rescue] re: Speaking of Solaris GUI options...

Nathaniel Grady nate at physics.ait.fredonia.edu
Fri Feb 7 17:27:00 CST 2003

<snip> Complaininig about code bloat, how big Gnome/KDE are... </snip>

I've grown to love blackbox (and the half a dozen variants on it). Zippy on my U1e with a TGX. CDE was nearly unusable on the same machine. Takes very little screen real estate (little bar at the bottom). Has everything I need... I don't recall having to install any libraries to use it. 

Sawfish (the gnome WM) is also nearly as zippy. How they pulled that off is beyond me, but I was seriously shocked the first time I ran it and did the "this is *interpreted* code!" double take. Of course, waiting for gnome to start at login sucks, but if it's your own workstation you can always use xlock instead of logout ;)
--Nathaniel Grady

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