[rescue] Solaris on a PPC

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Fri Feb 7 05:39:56 CST 2003

On Friday 07 February 2003 00:37, Dave McGuire wrote:
> > Current development? I learn somehing new every day...
>    Had you seen something that suggested otherwise?

Someone on a Sun hardware newsgroups once, who said CDE has had its last bit 
of code added to it in... 1992.

>    Really?  Wow I had *no* idea...I built, installed, and used 0.16
> shortly after it came out.  I kept hearing about 0.17 which was "just
> about ready to be released"...for months.  Then the "news" section of
> their web pages stopped getting updated.

The web site is very silent indeed. The cvs is another matter :)

When will E 17 be released? 

The release date for E17 is sometime in the distant future; a date unknown 
yet even to the developers themselves. The release day in fact will 
probably be something that just happens one day and not something in anyway 

>    There is no ultimate programming language.  While it's true that,
> generally speaking, anything that can be done on a computer can be done
> in any programming language, a particular language is typically better
> suited to a given application while being worse for others.  People who
> know only one language and are unwilling to learn another (due to
> laziness or whatever) will often press thier one language into service
> where it doesn't belong.  I believe such programs are better off
> remaining unwritten, and such programmers should remain unemployed.
> Further, incompetent people who DO know more than one language often
> make bad choices and misapply a given language to a task for which it
> is ill-suited.  These programmers should also be unemployed...or at
> least beaten up on their front lawns in front of their families.
>    You will see no scientific study showing which is right...because
> their is no "best" language.  There are a few good ones, and lots of
> bad ones, to be sure...but there is no "best" one to cover all uses.

So spoke Dave :-)

Frank Van Damme

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