SNMP BABY! (was: [rescue] IBM RS/6k 48P)

rescue at rescue at
Wed Feb 5 10:56:04 CST 2003

> > You guys will have to forgive my ignorance, but what is
> > "SNMP" in respect to these systems?  I am assuming this has
> > absolutely nothing to do with the TCP/IP Simple Network
> > Management Protocol.
> This is an inside joke on the list, where a clueless eBay'er listed
> some ancient Sun stuff with 2 CPUs as a machine capable of "SNMP" .
> The actual quote from his listing was "SNMP Baby!"

Oh come on Patrick, it's worse than that (I know you were around
when it happened).  The eBay'er (bodoman) really should
have known better, based on folks who had had previous dealings
with him--but he was trying to sell an pair of SM100 CPUs (which are
extremely old, slow, and barely supported) as though they were some
super-fast CPU [0].  Then he compounded his "error" (false advertising)
by using SNMP when he meant SMP.  See also

An SM100 isn't even worth the cost of shipping--it's one of the few
Sun parts that I would just throw away if I found one laying around
in our lab.

Supposedly our Mr. Bodo has resurfaced, but I hope he's being more...
effective in his auction descriptions.


[0]  I don't remember seeing it in this auction, but in other auctions
     someone tried to use the fact that an SM100 has "100" in the name
     and was made by Ross to advertise this as a "100MHz Ross CPU
     for SPARC!"  Not exactly.

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