[rescue] Cheap MXI Octane

Bjorn Ramqvist v53278 at g.haggve.se
Wed Feb 5 01:43:11 CST 2003

"Brent B. Powers" wrote:
> Did anyone notice what else this guy had?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14848&item=2305663323

Mmm. Nice. But, just 128MB?

I'm very curious about our deskside O200, what I'll need to rackmount
the thingie. Anyone care to enlighten me?
It looks like in the picture they've just removed the skins, but those
sideplates bothers me. The question is if they are included in the
chassies (covered behind the skins) or if they are a part of the
rackmounting kit.


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