[rescue] For Trade: SGI 4D series boards, memory, etc

Mark Grieshaber mvg1 at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 24 16:54:58 CDT 2003

Gravity patrol stopped by again with another warning.  Now I'm moving
the SGI 4D series material out.  Trades have priority -- email me
directly and I'll send you my list of items I'm looking for.  Please
feel free to suggest other trades, or I'll sell outright.  I'm willing
to ship internationally.

These boards were all either removed during upgrades, or salvaged from
machines being discarded.  All have been stored inside in antistatic
packaging.  That said, I can't currently test any of them, so all are
"as is".  None of the memory boards includes simms -- although I have
quite a stack of various sized memory simms available as well.  Note
that these boards/bits all are applicable to SGI 4D series machines,
mostly including 4D/3x0 and 4D/4x0 machines, but also some Personal
Iris and Professional Iris machines.

A "?" in the list below means either I didn't see the info (like a
build date on a board), or I'm uncertain of identification (which is
why I'm including the part number from the board).  "3rd" indicates a
third party produced board (marketed and sold by SGI, but manufactured
by a third party).

mvg1 at earthlink.net

SGI 4D series boards:
030-1055-001F	1996	DG5	DisplayGen
030-0156-004C	1992	RM2	RasterMgr, VGX
030-0122-015E	1988	IP4.5	Cpu, 4D80
030-0076-003A	1987	GM1	GeometryMgr
030-0213-005B	1990	GM3	GeometryMgr
030-0049-001D	1989	?	SMD controller?
030-0149-015A	1989	IP9	Cpu, R3K
030-0118-005A	1988	IO2	I/O
030-0306-002x	1995	CG3	?Graphics Out, PI?
030-0284-005A	1993	?	w/cables
030-0347-002B	1992	RM5	RasterMgr
030-0753-005?	?	SAMZ	Onyx/Chall audio/ser
030-0753-005I	1995	SAMZ	Onyx/Chall audio/ser
030-0077-001M	1987	RV1	GTX, video w/alpha
030-0117-034C	1988	MC2	Memory
030-0083-002B	1988	IP5	Cpu, R2K dual
013-7052-010	1991	?	3rd: Interphase
013-0207-001F	?	?	extender adapter
030-0076-005D	1987	GM1	GeometryMgr, Prof.
030-0118-005A	1988	IO2	I/O
030-0153-004D	1989?	GE6	GeometryEng, VGX
030-0220-001A	1989	RM3	RasterMgr, upgraded
030-0347-002B	1992	RM5	RasterMgr, Onyx RE2
030-0347-002B	1992	RM5	RasterMgr, Onyx RE2
013-0204-001B	?	?	3rd, ethernet?
030-0360-001B	1992	RM4	RasterMgr, Onyx RE2
030-0382-008B	1990	GM3	GeometryMgr
030-0149-0134	1989	IP9	Cpu, R3K, upgrade
030-0083-002B	1988	IP5	Cpu, R2K dual
030-0013-003G	1987	GF3	?Professional Iris?
030-0363-005C	?	GE10	GeometryEng, Onyx RE2
030-0175-006A	1992	VO1	VideoOut
030-0502-205C	1994	VCAM	RemoteVcam w/cables
013-0276-001	1990	?	? on extender
030-0117-001C	1988	MC2	Memory
030-0013-003G	1987	GF3	?Professional Iris?
030-0117-034C	1988	MC2	Memory
030-0117-001C	1988	MC2	Memory
030-0247-002B	1992	RM5	RasterMgr
030-0203-003	1990	?	3rd: Interphase
013-0203-001D	?	?	disk controller?
030-8029-001C	1989	IP10	4D/25 cpu
030-0085-006C	1988	GM2	GeometryMgr
030-0377-010A	1993	IO4	I/O
030-0117-034C	1988	MC2	Memory
030-0153-004C	1991	GE6	GeometryEng
030-0213-005A	1990	GM3	GeometryMgr
030-0218-004A	1991	DG1	DisplayGen
030-0156-004D	1989	RM2	RasterMgr
030-0118-002B	?	IO2	I/O
013-0208-001C	?	?	6port serial
013-0204-002B	?	?	Ethernet?
030-0117-001D	1988	MC2	Memory

SGI 4D series Bridges:
030-0115-002B	?	RI2
030-0134-001B	1988	RI2	GTX, PowerSeries
030-0134-001A	1988	RI2	GTX, PowerSeries
030-0134-001	1988	RI2	GTX, PowerSeries
030-0080-001	1987	RI1	?, PN unclear
030-0079-001	1987	GI1	GTX, PowerSeries
030-0130-001B	1988	MI2	?

SGI 4D series Cable:
018-8204-004A			camera to Y/C + comp

SGI 4D series Miscellaneous:
030-0328-002A	1992	PB2	paddle board
013-1754-002B	1999	?	cooling baffle
various sizes memory simms for MC2 memory boards.
bulkhead RGB connectors

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