[rescue] Will buy/trade for SGI Indigo2

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Aug 22 09:23:15 CDT 2003

Hi all,

Do any of you guys live in the Michigan area?  I'm looking
(desperately)for an Indigo2 (R10k if possible).  I am
willing to drive 4 hours (250 miles) to pick up for the
right machine.  I also have various Items available for
trade, or I can purchase for the right price. 

Items for trade that may or may not be of Interest:

-Sparc10 - Dual 125Mhz Proc. (don't remember the rest of
the specs off the 
top of my head)
-Ultra1 170, 3d creator
-Sparc5 w/24 bit graphics card installed
-24 bit Leo graphics card (for sparc 10)

-Sgi Iris Indigo R3K XZ-24 w/ DAT drive (will have to check
amount of ram)
-Sgi Iris Indigo R3K entry level graphics, needs ram

-21" gateway monitor (trinitron)

-900MHZ Athlon PC (can't remember specs, over 300 meg ram)

-HP Laserjet III printer (needs new toner cart.)

-Amiga 1200HD w/SCSI card installed + LOTS of software
(workbench 3.0)

I'm located in Fenton, MI just 10 miles south of Flint. 

Thanks for your help,


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