[rescue] Fair Warning RPC Worm

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Aug 12 03:33:15 CDT 2003

On Monday 11 August 2003 23:32, Michael A. Turner wrote:
>         To let everyone know. There is now an RPC worm running against
> windows. We are seeing it here already. It crashes Windows 2000 svchost and
> Cause two different errors on Windows XP. Take a peek at slashdot for
> running comentary on it and links to better articles.
>         Just trying to save you guiys some time from phone calls tonight.
> Looks like a bad one. Started about 4 hours ago. So anything doing with RPC
> services you now have an answer to what is going on.

This will be the death of your network :-/

Frank Van Damme    http://www.openstandaarden.be
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"Je pense, donc je suis breveti."

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