[rescue] Total corporate madness (

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Sun Aug 3 03:57:10 CDT 2003

On Sunday 03 August 2003 05:40, Shannon wrote:
> Personally, I wish IDE and USB had never happened, and we used nothing
> but SCSI and FireWire, or something better.
> I kept hoping that serial ATA was where they would finally do something
> better. Sigh...

Serial ata is still ata? It was not supposed to be scsi. It's better then ide
for sure, but reonventing scsi wouldn't have had a point I think. Serial ata
still doesn't have command scheduling on the drive, or the ability to send
multiple commands at a time like scsi (afaik), but at least they got rid of
the short cables, the master-slave stuff etc.

Besides, as far as I am aware, the next thing to come about is serial scsi.
This might actually be interesting.

Frank Van Damme    http://www.openstandaarden.be
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"Je pense, donc je suis breveti."

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