[rescue] OT: Linux and USB on Intel

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 27 10:14:24 CDT 2003

Sorry, old post...

--- Kurt Huhn <kurt at k-huhn.com> wrote:

> My boss tried that on me once.  I asked him "What the fuck did you
> hire me for?  I'm your goddam support, mister."

Uhm, I'm confident in my abilities, but I would want someone to call if
I get stuck - I wouldn't volunteer to be the one sole source of support
for a company (famous exapmles like: hit by a bus, irreplaceable, can't
take vacations, etc. should be inserted here)

A few $K to have someone else back me up/help me out, esp if that few
$K is OPM, is fine by me. ;^)


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