[rescue] OpenBSD on Intel

Sheldon T. Hall shel at cmhcsys.com
Thu Apr 24 14:10:08 CDT 2003

Thanks for all the suggestions.  I'll keep them on file in case I need to
use 'em; the thing is now booting just fine, and I didn't change a thing.

It installed fine, it rebooted fine, then it wouldn't boot, now it will.  I
feel like the little idiot helping his father check the blinkers on the
family car: "now it's working, now it's not, now it's working, now it's

Now I'm busily un-securing it so I can actually use it.  I've installed some
packages via the pkg_add over-the-net facility, set up a few things like
ntp, and I'm both having fun and being impressed.

Thanks to everyone for the help.


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