[rescue] ide vs scsi

Bill Martin wrmartin at verizon.net
Wed Apr 16 13:33:50 CDT 2003

 >>I kind of like cheap LSI Symbios UW PCI scsi cards. By using
 >>these as my standard PC PCI scsi card, I can reuse them as
 >>on my Sun PCI boxes without problems, so I keep a couple
 >>of spares arround.
 >> Bill

>Just picked up one of these last week.  Glad to know they work
>OK in Suns as well.  DO they work in Alphas (PWS500au)?
I just picked up a cheap generic 53C895 card and an IBM 53C875 (without a 
BIOS) on eBay.  Both work fine in my PWS500a and my PWS433au using their 
SRM consoles.

Bill Martin

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