[rescue] machine able to hold 4GB RAM or more?

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Mon Apr 14 13:32:39 CDT 2003

"Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net> writes:

> On Sat, 12 Apr 2003, Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366 wrote:
> > So, which systems can hold >4GB RAM?  The database is between 2 and
> > 4GB in size.
> Well, the E450 and U80 top out at 4GB.  An E3500 can hold 4GB per system
> board.  I think that's the smallest system you4d be able to use.  The
> same is probably true of the E3000, but the E3500 has yummy
> firbe-channel goodness.
> > CPU speed doesn't matter too much - I am basically using the machine
> > as a solid state disk in this case.
> Unfortunately, to get that much memory, you're going to need to buy a
> lot of CPU capability, as well.  That is, unless you want to run
> Solaris/x86, in which case some of the larger Dells would work for you.

IIRC, on a E3k (or any Ex000) you cna run boards with RAM and no CPU. 


> --
> Jonathan Patschke  *)  Q:  What do you call the hum of a rack of Apple
> Thorndale, TX      (*      XServes?
>                    *)  A:  The Al Gore Rhythm.
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