[rescue] Octane PCI Cage

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Sat Apr 12 07:57:31 CDT 2003

dittman at dittman.net (Eric Dittman) wrote:
> Doesn't the vendor (can't remember the name) that sells LED
> replacements for the lightbar sell the cover?

Greg Douglas.  I actually have a quote here from him for $35 for the
cover, but I keep forgeting to order it - and now I need to wait until
payday [0] as I have no money left.

[0] Each month Karin transfers out retirement fund moneys from the bank
account and they're largely unuseable until such time....

Kurt                 "Who am I kidding?  Cake is just a delivery
kurt at k-huhn.com        mechanism for icing." 
                                              -- Alton Brown 

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