[rescue] Why is everyone so OSX happy?

Kevin kevin at pipeline.com
Wed Apr 9 14:05:16 CDT 2003

That's exactly the type of places we looked for
and called. I even called Geek Corp, the guys who go
out to third world countries and help them use open
source software and older donated equipment to get them
introduced to IT. They were interested but shipping
from Miami to....,Massachusetts if i remember
correctly, was going to cost US and arm and a leg.  And
for some of that stuff it wouldn't have been worth it
for them to foot the bill either, an old SCSI Acer 486
server and some CDROM towers... it wouldn't have been
cost effective.  I wanted the stuff to go to a good
home.  Even Good Will wouldn't actually come pick the
stuff up.

If anyone here knows of a charity that will pick up
stuff in the South Fla area please let me know because
this type of thing will come up again.


On Fri, 11 Apr 2003 19:52:46 -0400
Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:

>    That *sucks*.  If I were you, I might try looking
>    for a 
> church-related or children's assistance group that
> sets up freebie computers for people.  I believe Linc
> Fessenden is involved with one of these, and I think
> he's on this list...Linc?
>          -Dave

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