[rescue] 20th Anniversary Mac available, pre-eBay..

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Apr 8 13:56:22 CDT 2003

   I've gotten my 20th Anniversary Mac back up & running (as some folks 
suggested, the power manager needed to be reset from having been turned 
off for so long) and am about to sell it.  I'm looking for $750 shipped 
(continental US).  It has a Crescendo 300MHz G3 upgrade board 
installed, 64MB of RAM, and a 10GB disk.  It comes with its remote 
control, both back covers, original boxes and packing 
material...everything except the leather CD pouch, which I never had.  
The only thing that's not great about it is the 64MB of RAM.  It has 
MacOS 9 installed.

   Not having my place on Treasure Island rented out has put me in a bad 
spot...so I need to sell this quickly.  If anyone here is interested, 
please let me know quickly, otherwise it hits eBay.


Dave McGuire             "I've grown hair again, just
St. Petersburg, FL           for the occasion."       -Doc Shipley

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