[rescue] Re: Ultra purchase

Shirker shirker at mooli.org.uk
Tue Apr 1 09:18:55 CST 2003

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, P Nutton wrote:

> Has anyone dealt with Anysystem in the UK? Their website mentions a European
> office (which is in Farnham in Surrey), but that seems to be the limit of
> the info given. I will send an e-mail and ask...

Yes (though this was before they had a European office). The machines 
(U1 170E and U1 200E Creator) were sent from the US via FedEx. John
Butler is about the most helpful, honest and generally sound chap I have
ever dealt with in the world of IT.

An example: though I ordered the units with CDROMs, they turned up
without. John not only FedExed two CDROMs posthaste, but refunded me $50
for the trouble this had caused.

Thoroughly recommended.


I remember why I started becoming less tolerant, and I think I should strive
to become less tolerant in future. - RobA

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