[rescue] SS20 RAM

vraptor at employees.org vraptor at employees.org
Fri Sep 27 13:58:18 CDT 2002

That's way too expensive for a 9GB drive...


On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Lionel Peterson wrote:

>--- "Greg A. Woods" <woods at weird.com> wrote:
>> [ On Friday, September 27, 2002 at 00:31:48 (-0400), Loomis, Rip
>> wrote: ]
>> >   laying around that they'd like to get rid of?  Does anyone
>> >   have any 1.6" 9GB or larger SCA drives laying around that
>> >   they'd like to get rid of?
>Hurry, only 8 hours left - but you could go for buy it now!
>Seriously, they seem to run $15-20 off ebay, not to bad for an older
>rescue box...
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